Vsaka stara knjiga je skrivnostna! V njih se skrivajo davno pozabljene misli, znanja in resnice, ki nas velikokrat presenetijo. Kdo ve koliko rok je obračalo njih strani in koliko oči je zrlo in bralo te vrstice. Kaj vse so videle, slišale vse te knjige v tišini stoječe na svojih policah in omaricah. Le kdo ve...
Ideja o ustvarjanju Mix medie na starih knjigah je rasla počasi in vztrajno z mojim ustvarjanjem. Sedaj, ko že obvladam barve, teksture, postavitve in tehniko sem svojo idejo realizirala. In moram priznati, da sem navdušena !
Stari knjigi sem vdahnila drugačno in čarobno vlogo, a vendar ohranila njen pomen in sporočilo : Znanje je živo in se neprestano spreminja in širi !
Every old book is mysterious! They hide forgotten thoughts, knowledge, and truths that often surprise us. Who knows how many hands turned their sides and how many eyes saw and read these words. And what all these old books saw & heard when standing in silence on their shelves and cupboards?! Who knows...
The idea of creating Mix Media on an old book grew slowly with my art-knowledge. And now when I have more experience with colours, textures, layouts and technique, I realized it. I have to admit I'm excited!
I get to an old book a different and magical role, but still preserve its meaning and message: Knowledge is alive and constantly changing and spreading!
K ustvarjanju me je spodbudil nov Izziv na Mix Media Art blog-u.
I was inspired by new Challenge on the Mix Media Art blog.
"Mystery is the basic element of all works of art."
- Luis Bunuel -

Uporabljen material / I used :
- Lindy's Drink Me Silly Shimmer Magical set ,Lindy's Starbrush Clam Bake Brige,Lindy's Magical shaker Black forest
- Distress Dylusions spray London Blue, Lemon Zest, Cut grass, Dusty condor, Adriandack alkohol inks
- Nuvo mousse Aquamarin,Cosmic Brown, Gunmetal Grey
- Antik bronze & Metalik colour
- transparent & white gesso, modeling paste, 3D medium gel - all Amsterdam
- stencil with old words I bought in Estonia
- Dies :
- http://www.najlepsi-par.si/izdelek/rezalne-sablone-dekorativni-polkrozni-izrez/
- Sizzix ornament die
- I cut the rectangles with relief on the both sides from an old photo album I bought at flea fair
- and a lot of love for Mix media creating
OdgovoriIzbrišikrasna ideja in izvedba <3
OdgovoriIzbrišiWow, svetovno je tole. Izredno lepo narejeno.
OdgovoriIzbrišiBrezčasno lepo :*
OdgovoriIzbrišiBeautiful creation.
OdgovoriIzbrišiWow! No words.... Great! Thank you for playing with us Mixed Media & Art blog
OdgovoriIzbrišiSo different and magical!! Great project, thanks for playing along at MMP xx
OdgovoriIzbrišiSo cool! Thank you for joining us at MMP challenge!
OdgovoriIzbrišiYour book is absolutely stunning! I love these altered pages and colours you used! Thank you for sharing your project with us at SanDee & amelie's Steampunk Challenge