Čipka je kot poezija. V njej so z spretnostjo rok in nitjo
prepletene nepreštete ure misli, upanj, želja...
The lace is like poetry. In it, the threads intertwined
an innumerable hours of thought, hope, desire ...
Na Card Mania Challenge smo za novembrski izziv izbrali temo ČIPKA. Verjamem, da boste z veseljem dodale kakšno lepo čipko na vaš izdelek. Punce imamo rade čipke, kajne ?
November Challenge on blog Card Mania Challenge start today and our theme is LACE. I belive you will add with joy a beautiful lace on your card, because girls just love lace. Am I right ?
Naj vam predstavim našega tokratnega sponzorja.
To je LEMON SHORTBREAD - www.etsy.com/shop/ lemonshortbread
in zmagovalka dobi kar 3 njihove štampiljke !
Our sposor of this month is
LEMON SHORTBREAD - www.etsy.com/shop/ lemonshortbread
and the winner will receive 3 digi stamps.
Lani sem bila članica Design team-a Lemon Shortbread trgovine in naj zapišem, da so njihove štampiljke res čudovite! Poglejmo jih nekaj...
Last year I was part of their Design Team and I must say, Lemon Shorbread stamps are just beautiful ! Let's see some of my cards !

Drage ustvarjalke! VABIM VAS, da se nam pridružite in pokažete vaše prekrasne ideje ter osvojite čudovito nagrado!
Dear crafters! I INVITE YOU to join us and show your amazing ideas ! Beautiful prizes awaiting for you !
I am participating with my card in Challenges :
prekrasna čipka in barve! ter seveda krasne lanske inspiracije!
OdgovoriIzbrišiČudovita voščilnica s čipko in izbranimi potiskanimi papirji!
OdgovoriIzbrišiZelo všeč so mi tudi ostale. Lp Nataša
Čudovita je in super izbor barv.
OdgovoriIzbrišiWhat a BEAUTIFUL creation! Thanks so much for joining in the fun at our Double D ‘Stripes & Dots’ challenge! Good Luck and we hope you’ll come back often.
DOUBLE D Challenge Blog
DAR’S CRAFTY CREATIONS Please stop in for a visit!
A wonderful card, love the combination of diecuts, flowers and that fab lace. Thanks for sharing with us at Double "D" Challenge.
OdgovoriIzbrišiAmelia (Double "D" Challenge Design Team)
Wonderful design. Thanks for playing along at Double D Challenge Blog. We hope you will join us often.
OdgovoriIzbrišiKathy DD DT
Gorgeous selection of cards!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge
Mandy xx