Verjamem, da lahko letim /I believe I can fly

Mixed Media Art je za tretji Kreativni izziv izbrala DIH NARAVE. Čudovit predlog ! Vsak dan grem na sprehod v gozd in prinesem domov naročje naravnih stvari, ki jih potem posušim in kasneje uporabim pri mojem ustvarjanju. 
Mixed Media Art chose THE BREATH OF NATURE for the third Creative Challenge. A wonderful proposal! Every day I go for a walk in the woods and bring home a  lot of natural things. Than I dry it and use in my scrapbook creation.
Tokrat sem se odločila, da uporabim večji kos lubja od borovca, ki sem ga našla v gozdu ob pobiranju gob. Najprej sem ga pobarvala z belim Gesso Amsterdam, posušila in nato dodajala različne barve kot Ranger Dylusion Ink Melted Chocolade, Rayher DecoArt Elfeinben, Weis,Royalrot, Mokka and Lindy's Starburst  Clame Bake Beige.

 This time I decided to use a larger piece of bark from the pine tree that I found in the forest when pick up mushrooms. First I painted it with white Gesso Amsterdam, dried and then added various colors like Ranger Dylusion Ink Melted Chocolade, Rayher DecoArt Elfeinben, Weis, Royalrot, Mokka and Lindy's Starburst Clame Bake Beige.
Uporabila sem chipboard, ga pobarvala z belim Gesso in nato z Nuvo mousse Aquamarine, Pacific teal,z Distress ink London blue in še z Ranger Alkohol ink Halzenut. Kroglice iz stiropora sem pobarvala z akrilno barvo Rayher DecoArt Royalrot in Lindy's Magical shaker Black forest. Gnezdo ptičkov je pa iz krem in rjavih nitk pobarvanimi z belim Gessom in belim Emboss prahcem.

I used chipboard, painted it with white Gesso and then with Nuvo mousse Aquamarine, Pacific teal, with Distress ink London blue and still with Ranger Alkohol ink Halzenut. I made polystyrene balls with acrylic paint Rayher DecoArt Royalrot and Lindy's Magical shaker Black forest. The nest of birds is made of cream and brown thread painted with white Gess and white Emboss powder.
Oba prtička sem izrezala s šablono in obrobe poudarila z prozornim in belim Emboss prahom.
 I cut both napkins with a die and emboss the borders with a clear and white Emboss powder.
Uporabljen papir LemonCraft Gossamer blue 03, ptičja peresa sem izrezala iz papirja LemonCraft Daydream 06.

I used LemonCraft Gossamer blue 03 paper and  I cut out birds pens from LemonCraft Daydream 06 paper.

In kot že veste ob ustvarjanju poslušam glasbo, ki mi daje dodatno inspiracijo.....

And as you already know when creating, I listen to music that gives me extra inspiration .....

Zdaj poletimo skupaj !

Let's fly together!

6 komentarjev:

  1. A wonderful project. Gorgeous colours, textures and design.
    Thank you for joining in with our October challenge "Anything Mixed Media Goes" at Creative Artiste Mixed Media and good luck x

  2. Prekrasen projekt poln čudovitih naravnih dodatkov. Zelo mi je všeč!

  3. Draga Veana - tale trenutek se tudi sama počutim, kot da letim!!! Pred dnevi si mi zapisala, naj verjamem in sem! In tale trenutek ti lahko zaupam, da ima čez nekaj mesecev zmenek s svojo ljubljeno pupo na pol poti med najinima trenutnima svetovoma, saj so letalske karte nekaj trenutkov že v mojem žepu!!! In tale tvoj čudoviti mix media projekt mi še dodatno boža mojo dušo :-))) Hvala, sem lahkotna tudi s pomočjo tvojih peres!
    Sončka ti pošiljam, Majda

  4. What a stunning piece, thanks for playing along with us over at

  5. Such incredible texture and depth. This is an amazing piece of art. We're so thankful for your contribution at A Vintage Journey! Happy fall and hugs, Autumn

  6. I love your wonderful thread birds nest, your colorful feathers and touches of blue in your die cuts - all arranged on your beautiful bark base! thank you for joining us in the AVJ Autumn colors challenge! Julia xx
